Metrics module

Module for computing metrics

stmetrics.metrics.get_metrics(series, metrics_dict={'basics': ['all'], 'fractal': ['all'], 'polar': ['all']}, nodata=-9999, show=False)

This function performs the computation of the basic, polar and fractal metrics available in the stmetrics package.

  • timeseries (numpy.ndarray) – Time series.
  • metrics_dict (dictionary) – Dictionary with metrics to be computed.
  • nodata (int) – nodata of the time series. Default is -9999.
Returns time_metrics:

Dicitionary of metrics.

stmetrics.metrics.sits2metrics(dataset, metrics={'basics': ['all'], 'fractal': ['all'], 'polar': ['all']}, num_cores=-1)

This function performs the computation of the metrics using multiprocessing.

  • dataset (rasterio dataset, numpy array (ZxMxN) - Z is the time series lenght or xarray.Dataset) – Time series.
  • metrics_dict (dictionary) – Dictionary with metrics to be computed.
  • num_cores (integer) – Number of cores to be used. Value -1 means all cores available.
Returns image:

Numpy matrix of metrics or xarray.Dataset with the metrics as an dataset. The orders of the dimensions, follows the dictionary provided.